James Morris

Action Tank Admin Team and United States Marine Corps Veteran 

"What sold me on joining Action Tank was attending the first team meeting. On top of all the good that the team was working towards, and the focus that they had towards achieving their goals, was a group of people that truly cared for one another. It was intimidating at first to join a group that had doctors and lawyers when I was just starting my career. What I found in that first meeting, however, was a humble group of veterans that were like old friends to each other. By the end of that first meeting, I already felt like one of the team."

How did you learn about Action Tank? Through a networking call with a former member of Action Tank. I looked up the organization afterwards and reached out from there.

What year did you join Action Tank? 2021

Why did you join Action Tank? I joined Action Tank because I found it to be a truly unique organization. Many Veterans groups focus inwardly towards the Veteran Community, but what attracted me to Action Tank was that it was focused outwards to others. I found it to be an amazing opportunity to continue serving others while also maintaining my connection to other veterans.

Share with us about the season of life you were in when you joined Action Tank and where are you now? I was fresh out of Active duty when I joined Action Tank. I originally began speaking with the team when I was in transition and I joined Action Tank right when I started my first job post-military. Now I am much further along in my career. I was able to progress in another company through the network at Action Tank, and Action Tank has helped me discover new skills and passions.

What positions/roles have you held at Action Tank? Technology Admin