Matt Miclette MPH, MS, RN
Action Tank Executive Director and United States Army Veteran
"Action Tank has given me a sense of community that I always wanted. A safe place for me to express my challenges among a group that could best understand. But also a group that wanted to find innovative ways to lift our larger community together."
How did you learn about Action Tank? Founding Member of Action Tank (He's an OG)
What year did you join Action Tank? 2016
Why did you join Action Tank? Action Tank provided opportunity to test new skills new leadership and policy skills I was developing as a young leader. It allowed me a community that understood the challenge of transition. Finally, it gave me the chance to continue my service and learn about my community.
Share with us about the season of life you were in when you joined Action Tank and where are you now? Joining Action Tank, I was in graduate school with little direction about what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to continue to have an impact on lives through public health, but I could not find the right fit in academia or government for me.
What positions/roles have you held at Action Tank? Operations Director (2016-2020), Executive Director (2021-current)
Action Tank has given me a sense of community that I always wanted. A safe place for me to express my challenges among a group that could best understand. But also a group that wanted to find innovative ways to lift our larger community together.