Randy Hsia

Action Tank Service Team Member and United States Marine Corps Veteran

"Action Tank provides the opportunity to connect with fellow veterans with a shared sense of purpose - to continue to serve our communities."

How did you learn about Action Tank? Through a good friend!

What year did you join Action Tank? 2017

Why did you join Action Tank? To have the opportunity to develop relationships with fellow veterans who want to continue to serve our community and country in and out of uniform.

Share with us about the season of life you were in when you joined Action Tank and where are you now? I was juggling work as a government lawyer with two young kids who I've been able to bring out to service projects over the years.  Now I'm working as in-house counsel with two older (but still young) kids and enjoying all that life throws at us!

What positions/roles have you held at Action Tank? Service Director, Admin Director, Service Team Member