Larry Abrams
Action Tank Member and United States Navy Veteran
"There is such satisfaction serving one's country in uniform. Perpetuating service through action and helping others, after the uniform gets hung up, is a huge win!"
How did you learn about Action Tank? I read the Tree Canopy article in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
What year did you join Action Tank? 2021
Why did you join Action Tank? Action Tank's mission closely aligns with that of BookSmiles, a nonprofit I started. Both organizations are dedicated to improving the lives of folks living in underserved areas.
Share with us about the season of life you were in when you joined Action Tank and where are you now? Never before was I affiliated with a veteran's group, and I seldom met other vets as I went about my business. I now look forward to getting together with my fellow Action Tank members for service projects and socializing. Being a part of Action Tank has strengthened my nonprofit considerably!
What positions/roles have you held at Action Tank? Team Member